Basic Blacklist blocking safe domain

I have a pfsense with adam… Its configured with basic blacklist opendns familyshild.
A few days ago I cant access this site anymore:
already added to white list
Can someone help me?

Welcome to the forum Rafael,
In the case of that domain does not have any server hosting it. So it’s not an issue with your system, it’s actually a problem with the person or organization hosting that web site.

i can access this site in my phone 4G:

That’s a different site, it doesn’t have the www. in front of it. Try without the www and see if it works for you.

No it doesnt. Returns ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.

Try again, it appears their server was also having some issues yesterday.

Hello, i just changed the DNS forwarder to CleanBrowsing and it worked. Before i was using Opendns.