Cancel a subscription or delete an account

You can cancel a subscription at any time.
Simply log into your dashboard ( and choose one of the following 3 options:

Option #1 - Cancel a Subscription Only

Note: This will stop all billing related to a specific network on your account. However, your account & network settings (customized Rules, etc.) will be preserved should you wish to renew the subscription at a later time.

  • Click on Billing Settings
  • Click (to expand) the network you’d like to halt
  • Toggle the switch beside the Box(es) to the off position
  • Toggle the switch beside your Product(s)/subscription(s) to off
  • Click on Next
  • Click on Skip Billing (bottom of page)
  • Click on Confirm

Option #2 - Delete one of your Networks Only

Note: This will remove a single network if you manage more than one. Network removal cannot be undone.

  • Click on Billing Settings
  • Click (to expand) the network you’d like to remove
  • Toggle the switch beside the Box(es) to the off position
  • Click on Next
  • Click on Skip Billing (bottom of page)
  • Click on Confirm
  • Click on Remove Network (bottom right)
  • Click on Delete

Option #3 - Delete your entire Account

Note: This will not only stop all billing, but it will also erase your entire account, including all other networks associated with the account, dashboard settings (customized Rules, etc.) and billing settings. Account deletion cannot be undone.

  • Remove all networks as per option #2 above
  • Click on Delete Account (take note of warning message)
  • Click on Delete (take note of warning message)
  • Click on Delete again

Important: If you are an MSP cancelling a subscription on behalf of your Client(s), please also email so that any MSP related billing/coupons can be removed from the account.