Dashboard Issues

Please note we are currently having elevated latency and error rates on our Dashboard.
Follow https://status.adamnet.works/ for the latest status updates.

Thank you
– Adam Networks team

Seems like Twitter is faster than Google Support.

We experienced a service outage today 28 April 2022 starting around 10:30 - 11:30 EDT. This affected access to the dashboard.

adam:ONE® is designed in such a way that even in a cases like this Security and Protection would not be affected. Even though you might have had trouble accessing the dashboard to make changes, the adam:ONE® muscle would continue to protect your system according to the latest changes you made.

We reached out to our cloud provider (Google) and they did acknowledge the issue and it appears to be resolved.


We apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused to any of our users. To all our clients with an SLA, your account will be credited for the appropriate down-time.

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