Device names changed to GUID

I have a large amount of devices that have had their device name changed to a GUID, this is no good.

@jwol1 could you please run the command adamone-issue and send the output file to along with a link to this forum thread.

I am getting 50x Error. Loads for a few minutes than times out.

Are you able to run it from an SSH console prompt?

I’m seeing this too …


4.14.0-1 | 14.0-CURRENT

@atw Is there any progress on a fix for this issue? It’s makng a complete mess of device lists. I hope it’s a priority for adam:ONE.
I’m seeing it on 4.14.1-1 | 15.0-CURRENT
You can delete devices but it repopulates again, so doesn’t seem any workaround administrators can make.

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