Logs 2.0 Feature requests

In case you need some ideas about how to make the logs better.

Allowed domains are green.
Blocked domains are red.
Not yet allowed domains could be: yellow.
Authoritative entries from dashboard: blue.
Hosts lookup could be: grey.

Users that are scanning through the logs to look for unblock requests could easily just go to the yellow ones and request them. It would help them differentiate between things that are permanently blocked versus things that could be unblocked.

There could be switches to mute every subtype of request.

If the current user is allowed to see all logs, there should be a quick switch at the top to just show “own logs”. Admins are spending the most amount of time of anyone looking at logs and a lot of it is just their own logs. So a quick switch to just look at their own would be very handy.

There should be an option per site to mute logs from devices that are on a no Internet policy. every lookup these devices makes is obviously blocked and there’s no good reason to see them.

There should be a list of devices per site that are always muted in the logs.

There should be an option to mute mDNS look ups. On a site with 30 printers, let’s say, those lookups can take up a lot of real estate.

There should be a quick switch at the top to temporarily show all the muted devices.

There could be an option in the domain log to click on a little icon next to a requester device and go straight to their traffic log, pre-filtered to show just that devices interactions.

Traffic log should have an option to show local source hostnames instead of IP addresses. Like the domain log. And if possible, a host name for the destination as well. A toggle for this would be nice. Would make it a lot easier to decipher who is reaching out to what.

I’m sure I’ll think of more if you need more.

Adam users please get out there and (up)vote!

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Voted for it , love it

You need to create the topic in the Feature Requests category in order for the vote button to show up. I’ve moved it for you.
I’m sure this will be taken into account before MyTools 2.0 rolls out.

I’m sure you’ve seen PF sense quick allow rules.
Whatever you see in the logs, you can hit a button and allow it.
This would be nice to implement in someway on domain log and in traffic log for admins of course. Maybe there could be a quick allow button that would put them in a temporary list in the dashboard and then you can drag and drop those rules into the necessary list that you wanted them in.

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With us having the option for MyTools to run on HTTPS this is getting closer to reality. It would basically involve signing into MyTools using your Dashboard account.
To be clear this is not currently being worked on, but it’s something we’ve thought about.

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Now that’s what we are looking forward too… I
We had that with routerlimits and cleanernet

Ok heres one more: There could be a secondary color associated to each device in the logs. These were act in the same way that tags do. Maybe in the devices page I could tag all of my servers purple. And while the logs are showing the primary colors would still be there, but there would also be a second icon or indicator that would be the color that I specified. So all my servers would show up with their little purple icon. Maybe a round swatch or something. Or maybe a purple section all the way at the right hand side of the entries. Or the left. And then I could filter by colors as well.

Bonus: we should be able to filter by tags as well.

Whenever support is added for multiple users, an admin could allow any other user to view logs for certain devices. One way to do this would be to force a filter on their view that would just show a certain subnet.