OPNsense compatability

With the new changes to PFsense Plus, some folks are wondering if adam:ONE is compatible with OPNsense. I’m assuming it is, since it is also FreeBSD.

Also, should we be worried about the changes affecting our current systems?

Hi @Victor thanks for the question. We don’t currently support adam:ONE on OPNsense but for those who are looking for an alternative I would suggest VyOS® which we do support.

There is no need to be concerned about current systems. For Netgate hardware pfSense® Plus was already included and nothing changes. For those using third-party hardware nothing is changing for pfSense® CE.
Basically the only thing that’s changing is for those who want to use the Plus version on third-party hardware Netgate now is charging $399/yr USD while previously they said they would only charge $129/yr USD.

Now VyOS® pricing starts at $1200/yr USD for a single instance. Although they don’t sell hardware at all so not a direct comparison, but still makes Netgate’s pricing look more reasonable.
For home lab though it’s free to use their rolling release.

I’m going to assume there are no plans to support it on OPNsense?

Correct. The pfSense® platform is still preferred for the following reasons.

  1. More stable, less releases. OPNsense releases updates fairly quickly and often breaks things especially packages.
  2. Netgate contributes back to the FreeBSD project creating a more sustainable ecosystem.
  3. Hardware from Netgate is decent and for customers wanting to install adam:ONE it provides a simple direction to buy a Netgate appliance and then install the adam:ONE package.

This is not to say we will never support OPNsense but we’d rather place that effort towards Linux based platforms as there are major performance benefits in regards to our DTTS function.

Also just want to note for those following the TAC Lite issue, Netgate just published a blog post today partially retracting their stance and once again offering TAC Lite for $129/yr on third-party hardware.
You can read it here: Coming Soon: Netgate pfSense Plus TAC Lite Available for $129/year