It would be nice to have a interactive interface specifically for feature requests such as were users can see what has been requested and contribute new ideas there.
With around 100 rules to turn on or off within one policy, one feature I wouldn’t mind seeing in the dashboard is either to be able to turn all Rules ON within a policy and turn the ones you don’t want OFF or be able to go to a Rule and select all the policies you would like it turned on for.
@williamhofer you may already be aware that we have a new feature on the Dashboard where at the bottom right of the page you should see a link that says “Manually Save” which will allow you to quickly toggle on/off many rules without waiting for each of them to save, and then when finished you just need to click Save at the bottom of the page.
I will leave this feature request open as the option to enable it on policies from the rule itself is also being considered.
The manual save button is helpful but it is still a bit of a tedious task to go through and toggle all the rules to ON.
In my case 9/10 times 99% of the rules need to be turned on.
It would be wonderful if there would be a primary Button to either turn all the rules ON or OFF. That way a user can work in the direction which will get the job done quicker. Turn them all ON and go turn a few off OR Turn them all OFF and go turn a few on.
Also, a nice feature enhancement would be to have groups of rules. Such as: farming, shopping, my rules, etc. You could then collapse these groups, and turn on or off an entire group of rules.
Similar to how tags work. Rules could be grouped into custom created groups.