When I click Add a Policy, the pop up dialog shows "What kind of policy would you like to create? Then a spinning dotted circle with “Loading options” which turns eternally and also “An unknown error occurred” at the bottom of the page.
I assume this could be related to the background changes to the Dashboard Framework upgrade - V2.0, as per Francois Driessen’s email of 11/11/2022 possibly?
Also, the web interface is slower than it used to be.
Same issue experienced on two different sites, both running AdamOne 4.8.3 on pfSense 22.01-RELEASE on Netgate SG-3100s.
Thank you for reporting this. I have fixed the issue and creating policies now works properly.
This was related to the background changes. On slow connections, the interface may be a bit slower to load than it used to be. However, as we continue to migrate features over to the new framework, we expect to achieve better performance than we have had in the past.
I have just found an issue where compression isn’t properly being applied to the files. I will get that fixed, and then page loads should be much closer to what they used to be.