How to enable DNSharmony

DNSharmony is introduced in adam:ONE® as of version 4 by aggregating upstream DNS resolvers. If any of your selected DNS resolvers block a destination, the block wins. All resolvers must allow the destination (or time out) in order for the destination to resolve for the original requester.

To enable it on a Blocklist (Blacklist) policy, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Navigate to My Rules → Post Rule Processors:

  3. Click Add Post Rule Processor as shown here:

  4. In the Name field, insert an appropriate name such as DNSHarmony. Click on the Resolvers field.
    Select for Families, and then click Add resolver…. Continue by selecting / adding Cleanbrowsing Security Filter, AdGuard DNS, and Quad9.

  5. Once you have ensured the DNSHarmony toggle is selected, click on Save

  6. Navigate to Policies, and then to your Blacklist policy. Click in the Resolver Options field, to select the processor you have just created:

    The new DNSHarmony processor is now active on that policy, and may also be activated on other policies, as desired.