How to force router to reconnect with dashboard

I haven’t been able to connect yo the dashboard for 8 days. Thought it was my pfsense but I’ve reinstalled about 3 times. Reconfigured dns several times. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong here. Sockstat reports everything but the Adam connection. Anyone experience this before. Netgate 1100. Can’t play around much longer with it.

Hi @nxt76 it’s difficult to answer based on the limited details you shared. One thing you could do is run the command adamone-issue and send the resulting file to

It may be a simple solution where you just need to Reauthorize the box ID, see: Reauthorize Router after Doing a Factory Reset

Yes tried most of the forum and guide tips… I think I might have narrowed it down to the dns on my pppoe connection. I’ve had it set to “use local, ignore remote” . When I select back to “use local, fallback to remote” it seems to have made the connection. I made one other change at the same time which could also have been the block - I disabled DTTS. On a reinstall do you need to disable DTTS? Trying to figure which action reinstated the connection.

Whether DTTS is enabled or not wouldn’t have an affect on it coming online on the Dasboard.
With our current package it’s also automatic so the firewall rules on pfSense don’t need to change based on whether DTTS is enabled.